Cottage Cheese Discharge After Metronidazole Gel: Causes And Remedies

Cottage Cheese Discharge Skushi
Cottage Cheese Discharge Skushi from


Vaginal discharge is a common problem that women face, and it can be caused by several factors such as infections, hormonal changes, and medication side effects. One of the medications that can cause changes in vaginal discharge is metronidazole gel, which is commonly used to treat bacterial vaginosis. Women who use this medication may experience cottage cheese-like discharge, which can be alarming and uncomfortable. In this article, we will discuss the causes and remedies for cottage cheese discharge after metronidazole gel.

What is metronidazole gel?

Metronidazole gel is a medication that is used to treat bacterial vaginosis, which is a common vaginal infection caused by an overgrowth of bacteria. The gel is applied directly to the vagina and works by killing the bacteria that cause the infection. While the medication is effective in treating bacterial vaginosis, it can cause side effects such as dryness, itching, and changes in vaginal discharge.

What causes cottage cheese discharge after using metronidazole gel?

Cottage cheese-like discharge after using metronidazole gel is a common side effect of the medication. The gel can cause changes in the pH balance of the vagina, which can lead to an overgrowth of yeast. Yeast is a type of fungus that is normally present in the vagina in small amounts, but an overgrowth can cause symptoms such as itching, burning, and cottage cheese-like discharge.

How can you treat cottage cheese discharge after using metronidazole gel?

If you are experiencing cottage cheese-like discharge after using metronidazole gel, there are several things you can do to treat the symptoms. Here are some remedies you can try:

1. Use over-the-counter antifungal medication

Over-the-counter antifungal medication such as clotrimazole or miconazole can be used to treat yeast infections. These medications are available in the form of creams, suppositories, and tablets. They work by killing the yeast that causes the infection and relieving the symptoms.

2. Apply a cold compress

Applying a cold compress to the vaginal area can help relieve itching and burning. You can use a clean cloth soaked in cold water or wrap an ice pack in a towel and apply it to the affected area.

3. Practice good hygiene

Good hygiene practices such as washing the vaginal area with mild soap and water and wearing clean, cotton underwear can help prevent the overgrowth of yeast and reduce symptoms.

4. Avoid irritants

Irritants such as scented soaps, bubble baths, and douches can irritate the vaginal area and make symptoms worse. Avoiding these products can help relieve symptoms and prevent future infections.

When should you see a doctor?

If your symptoms do not improve after using over-the-counter antifungal medication or if you experience fever, chills, or abdominal pain, you should see a doctor. These symptoms can indicate a more serious infection that requires medical attention.


Cottage cheese discharge after metronidazole gel is a common side effect of the medication. It is caused by an overgrowth of yeast, which can be treated with over-the-counter antifungal medication, good hygiene practices, and avoiding irritants. If your symptoms do not improve or if you experience fever, chills, or abdominal pain, you should see a doctor. By following these remedies, you can relieve the symptoms and prevent future infections.

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